The Voice of Sendai and Ari TV: helping the community to overcome March 11

The Voice of Sendai and Ari TV: helping the community to overcome March 11

Michel Lebon and Lee Jay Walker 

Modern Tokyo Times

Ari TV ( at the heart of Sendai and the surrounding region because this company is providing a positive image and covers local issues. This media outlet is determined to show the people of Japan and the international community, that while the March 11 tsunami took far too many lives and destroyed much of the infrastructure, it didn’t break the spirit of the people who were hit hard by this tragic event.

Therefore, Takayuki Sato!/re_tohoku_en (Tak) and everybody at Ari TV are showing the determination of a region which is not only battling against adversity, it is doing so by focusing on the future and helping to bring fresh hope. Of course, every individual associated with Ari TV fully understands the pain and suffering which took place on March 11. However, like a phoenix rising from the ashes this media outlet wants to highlight determination, rebuilding, fresh ideas, a strong community spirit, and to show how tenacious the local people are in facing and overcoming such a tragedy.

In the photo above Tomomi Hama of Ari-TV visited a performance arts event called “Suzume Odori.” The event was held in Tokushima and Tomomi Hama highlights the fact that this city is a sister city of Sendai. Also, the people of Tokushima city have helped the people of Sendai and other areas greatly since March 11 and this shows the strong bond between local people.

The next photo highlights “Coming of Age Day” and this event is very important in Japan. Takano of Ari TV reports that 12,000 people attended this event in Sendai and that the atmosphere was electric. This image is extremely heartwarming because it shows the next generation of Sendai who need to be tenacious and play an important role in the future of the Tohoku region. Also, the image shows three beautiful ladies smiling in traditional costumes and they all look stylish and elegant.

In the next image ( above is the stunning view of Naruko and Ono, a director at Ari-TV, clearly adores this part of Japan. Therefore, Ono is clearly focused on showing this special place and a lovely video was done which shows many positive features. Given this, if you adore nature and want to refresh yourself afterwards by visiting Naruko Hot Spa, then why not take a break in Naruko and help the local economy?

The next photo ( children at San Jose Japanese School in Costa Rica. Mr. Kinya Morita who works at this school is showing the international concern for people who lost so much. Therefore, these children are expressing their love and warm feelings towards people whom they have never met.

In the image above are Ken Watanabe and Tomoyuki Takimoto who is a film director. Ken Watanabe is an internationally acclaimed actor and since the devastating events of March 11, it is abundantly clear that he shared in the pain and now he is involved in the regeneration. Shinichiro Takano from Ari TV mentions that both individuals have been touring around Tohoku in order to highlight the film called “Hayabusa -Harukanaru Kikan” which will be released on February 11, 2012, in this part of Japan. The host of the premiere in Miyagi was Tomomi Hama from Ari TV.

The following photo above highlights the tenaciousness of “Suzuki Farm Harvest.” It is clear that Tak from Ari TV was overwhelmed by such dedication because Mr. Suzuki fully understood that salt water had damaged the fields. However, he was adamant that he would overcome everything and local people gave him the support and help he needed. Like Tak comments, they “finally made it! Isn’t it amazing?”

These images highlight aspects of Ari TV and in another article about this media outlet it was stated by Modern Tokyo Times that It is essential that Ari TV is supported because Takayuki Sato (Tak) and everybody at Ari TV desire to help the local community. Therefore, Ari TV is a lifeline to many people in Sendai and Miyagi prefecture and advertisement, sponsorship, viewing, and helping this company grow in many other ways, is needed because Sendai suffered greatly and this city is very powerful in the region of Tohoku.”

Therefore, please support Ari TV by viewing their websites and seeing daily images and videos of Sendai and the surrounding region. After all, Ari TV is the voice of Sendai and the calendar is also in English in order for the international community to view and read about recent events.  Tohoku Revival Calendar – English Version Ari TV  – Please contact for more information.!/re_tohoku_en – Please contact for more information Tohoku Revival Calendar – Japanese version

All images belong to Ari TV

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